While people are focusing on swing states, don't think that cheating took place only in those states. Cheating has taken place in EVERY state. I live in Orlando and when I voted almost all the poll workers were Democrats. Trump won in Florida BUT I felt subtle herding to turn my ballot in at a specific machine. It wasn't crowded and plenty of machines were available.
Also note that I volunteered to the county election board to work at the poll and never heard back. It was in reply to their posting and well within the time frame.
After what has taken place I can't help but feel many elections have had fraud, and who knows how much damage was done? My brainwashed family feel having to show ID is voter suppression. WTF my respect for their intelligence took a huge dip.
Voter ID and hand count the vote with votes on written ballots.
Paul Simon's There must be 50 ways... comes to mind.