posted ago by Aegonthe1st ago by Aegonthe1st +105 / -0

I've been going to this gym for three years. I go there just once a week and do it more out of loyalty, cause they supported my sport's club, than any real reason. TBH I've managed to get in the best shape of my life through home Tabata and HIIT workouts.

A few weeks ago the asshole manager confronted me about my mask sitting under my nose. I explained I have a medical condition that actually prohibits me from wearing a mask, but I'm being nice to them in wearing it at all. I also showed him a tweet from the WHO (don't trust them, but it's a good convincer for normies) that masks should not be worn at all when excercising. Thought that would be the end of it.

Some extra info, to better help explain my situation. I suffered a massive heart attack just a week shy of my 30th birthday last year. Had a defect in my right coronary artery I was unaware of. The gym manager is aware of all this. Like I said I've been going to this gym for three years. Luckily I was already in pretty good shape when the HA happened or I would've been dead. I drove myself to and walked into the ER. Cardiologist couldn't understand what was happening to me until I had an angiogram. It's one of the events that helped me to wake up. I didn't notice some of the warning signs beforehand precisely because the goddamned masks made breathing difficult. And it nearly cost me my life. In any other country I would be medically exempt, but Korea worships the muzzle. They literally strap babies into the things. My doc even told me the masks do nothing but help people feel better.

I thought the manager and I understood one another. Well I was wrong. I walk in and the manager is standing in the middle of the gym, mask down, drinking a cup of coffee. So color me very surprised when barely five minutes later, just as I had started my workout, he starts hassling me about my muzzle not sitting tightly on my face. All my previous plans, arguments, strategies etc for dealing with mask Nazis, flew out the window. I think it's just been one too many confrontations in too short a span of time (I just had a fight with my manager yesterday, two of my coworkers complained I wasn't wearing a mask when going to the bathroom). Or maybe it's because he interrupted me while I was in my little world exercising and just relaxing. I lost it.

Told him to go to hell, I'm not putting my health further at risk to assuage his fears. He tried to rebut me that I have to sacrifice for the rest of this year, it will be over soon, the vaxx is coming. Wrong bloody thing to say, these people still haven't figured out that they are never going back to normal if they wait for the government. I realised I'm wasting my time, energy etc. Told him I want a refund. Went into the lockerroom, ripped my mask off. Threw it in the trash. Got dressed, marched to the counter and demanded my money back. He apologised and asked me to understand, I said fuck that, I want my money. Bear in mind I'm doing this all maskless. He finally said ok, opened the counter. He was breathing so hard his shoulders were heaving up and down. Told him that's the hypoxia. If he keeps it up he will develop pneumonia and myocarditis, I hope he'll be ok.

He handed me the money and said see you again soon. I laughed and said, "fuck that! You will never see me again, that I promise you!"

I honestly cannot wait to leave this country. Even one of my normie South African friends told me this week she wants to go back home cause even though things are messed up ], there is a great deal more personalised freedom.