Ill admit i often have doubted the plan because I have been awake for 10 years and am beyond exhausted....but....
If Biden was in control of this country at all don't you think they would be kicking in the doors of Flynn, Lindell, Wood, Trump Family, etc...? And then every single GAW member which is the spearhead for the movement? And arresting anyone who resists anything?
Also wouldnt the stock market be crashing based off policy alone? I feel like we are in a weird twilight zone where everything we hear is terrible but at the same time somehow the stock market and mlst of society is still mostly functioning. Almost as if there is a plan to keep it from fully collapsing.....
I would be careful about using the stock market as a barometer.
Although I do agree with your point about Flynn and company.
Notice how Biden never mentions Trump by name.
I'm with you on stock market. It has always been fake...but typically it at least someone moved based on news. Think about 2008....covid alone should have made 2008 look like a walk in the park. It seems the stocks just do whatever now and even losing 70k pipeline jobs doesn't affect it. That is insanity...unless it's propped up
The stock market is up because everyone has cash laying around from COVID. A lot of people are on forbearance with their homes so they're not paying a mortgage. Many people are putting that money as well as their stimulus checks into the stock market.