Considering Sen. Paul's exposure of the Fauci records today,I could easily see him being arrested very soon, and thinking of his world wide recognition, he fits the criteria pretty dang well! Thoughts?
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Please let the first arrest be Fauci or Gates. Maybe the first arrest will be plural, and they all go down at once. DJT is the CANNON!
Serious question, just who exactly is going to arrest him?
FBI? <giggle>
DoJ? <rofl>
There is no one in any position of law enforcement that is not controlled by deep state progressive commies.
Its fun to think about, but it's not happening with Xiden in charge.
Can the military arrest someone? Sorry but how? Fascinating is a civilian they can't detain him
Yes, but we would have to assume the US is under Martial Law (which I believe we are). In this instance military is in control, Fauci would fall under a military tribunal... for crimes against humanity.
If he is identified as an enemy combatant or committed treasonous acts during time of war or emergency I believe they can.
Read chapter 11.3 and 11.4 of the law of war manual
true, until they stop taking orders.
take orders from WHO?
Kinda like you?
Possibly the United States Marshals Service.
This may be our last best hope.
He would be perfectly safe in Ohio.
Haha —or just over the border in PA.?
Could another country? His work hurt all citizens around the globe
Uh no. This isnt another country's fight its ours. I wouldnt be ok with that because what kind of precedent would that set going forward?