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Just to add... This is gonna sound weird, but maybe some of you might need to hear this. So, contemplating the possibility of spanking it to non-consensual porn i.e. not knowing if the participants were doing so willingly, I wondered what I would do to make it up to the person used... Well the Lord knowing how much I enjoy boobs and vaginas imparted upon my heart to pray for them... Regardless lf what I know of their circumstances, at the very least I can pray for them.
That said, porn is degenerate, but it's massively overhyped by both secularists and religious zealots. People have the freedom to choose for themselves whether or not to engage in such activities and I'll finish by saying "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"... Christ said that preventing the death if a prostitute.
Look, I get it. Everyone should have the right to make a Tinder profile and hook up with other peeps. But this isn't what the focus is. We aren't religious zealots or jihadists here.
Technology has only made information more and easily accessible, at the palms of our hands. It's important to put restrictions in place to effectively CUT the accessibility to porn, only to minors. It is a DRUG, addictive that will hook a user to it. Imagine that on top of the development of a minor, who is going not just through physical changes but ideological changes.
This issue would partially and mostly be solved if free porn was illegal and required a paywall of some sort to verify age.
I like where you're coming from, but I don't think limiting access is the answer. Adolescents aren't being offered playboy mags by some street hustler. They're actively trying to find it. While I agree that some limitations should be in place, teens are going to go out of their way to get porn. Believe me, I know.
What we need is better education from both the religious and the secularists. My views were distorted because both sides put sex on a pedestal in such a way that it corrupted my expectations as it does everyone. We need to dial down the value that's put into it and approach from a scientific and informed stance based on fact.