The DS wants The Great Reset, Covid was their ticket and it didn't do what it was supposed to do. It didn't kill enough people, it didn't put the economy in an unrecoverable state. So now, the debt is a mile high. Audits of the 2020 election are finding the fraud. How to make money and kill a lot of people and control the narrative. War. A World War. With gas being the start of what's to come, it will lead to shortages of everything else. This is what they want. Starve us out, then start a conflict somewhere. Have that conflict make landfall here on our soil.
Iran could fire at Israel, Russia could fire at Ukraine, North Korea could fire at the USA. China is already on our Northern boarder, they could come right in. Someone is going to start something and we will be right back in the thick of it.
You either believe Q or you don't. You either see the hand of Q at work in the world or you don't. If you don't believe Q nor see the hand of Q at work, then I respectfully suggest that you're hanging out on the wrong board.
As for me, I have faith in Q and I'm holding the line.