I keep trying to red pill my friend but it turns out she's a lost cause. Here's a text she directed at me yesterday...
Ladies-I "bought" into the vaccine and I really think I made a good choice. If you're going to bash the vaccines and masks, please take me off the thread. I'm probably saying this since I'm cranky because I've been in bed all day with vaccine side effects ?
You can’t trust a liberal. You can love them, but expect them to bite you in exchange.
That's why I removed all of them from my life. They don't have political views ... Their views are more akin to a religion ... And they'll literally kill to make sure their religion is not disrupted.
I can't see any of the ones I knew waking up. Most of them are miserable beyond words.
A religion includes a God.
What they have is an ideology - based upon the extermination of all that is incompatible.
We are talking liberals here ... They're ass backwards. Only they could invent a religion w/o a God. The make fucking scientologists blush :-)!