Megadeth 8 points ago +8 / -0

I think he'll be exposed in the Sean Combs case (Diddy .. though I hate calling that faggot that name).

Megadeth 1 point ago +1 / -0

If Hillary truly hates Obama, now is the time to strike ... I can't see how they can replace Kamala at this point.

I can see how Hillary could assume the Presidency and not leave it even if Trump wins in a massive landslide ... I'm pretty sure all DS sponsored members of Congress will back her. They'll pull some legislative tricks in the lame duck congress and the media will attempt to convince people what they're doing is legal. This, of course, will be the beginning of a civil war, but I think they're at a point where they know they're done for either way.

I guess I have HDS or something, but that bitch is the most power hungry thing I've seen in my life. And that includes fictional characters like The Emperor in Star Wars or V'Ger in Star Trek).

Megadeth 22 points ago +23 / -1

Project 2025 is a bullshit plan written by the Neocon wing of the R party to make whatever candidate wound up running on the R side look unhinged. It's their part in helping the cause of the DS.

Megadeth 2 points ago +2 / -0

My ever evolving dumbass theory ... If Kamala is getting replaced, it will be Hillary doing the replacing. It seems that both Walz and Harris are getting attacked by what they'd consider friendlies. I think they're going to be removed from the campaign trail, and Kamala will be removed as VP.

It seems that Biden is on Team Hillary. He will appoint her as VP. Biden will probably go back out campaigning.

Something major will happen. Biden will step aside "for the good of the country". I think it could be Obama getting exposed as a faggot and trannyfucker (he has to be on the Diddy tapes with Big Mike doing faggot stuff ... there is no way the guy that ran MTV's "Vote or Die" doesn't have shit on all of the Rats). Obama has been looking like he has what his fellow countrymen call "Slims Disease". In the USA, we call it AIDS. It's either that, or he's one stressed out motherfucker.

Biden will step aside because he was Obama's VP (or some other bullshit excuse). This will make Hillary POTUS. Dems will have virtually no candidate running. This means Trump will win the election in a landslide, but I also think Hillary will have no intentions of leaving the White House if she gets there. I think that's when we might learn what Trump meant by "Beautiful Hillary".

Please note that I am not trying to sound like Nostrildamus or psychic. It's all conjecture. Hillary's mouth has been running too much recently for her to not be a player in this endgame though ... she's up to something.

Megadeth 2 points ago +2 / -0

1> Promote Kamala to POTUS. She appoints Hillary as VP. 2> Hillary is approved since DC is filled with scumbags. 3> Major event happens. Kamala has to step aside since Hillary's vast experience is needed but will remain as POTUS candidate representing Hillary.

I know it sounds like a terrible fucking story, but that's one path.

Megadeth 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember his followers holding their hands up in the shape of an O during his rallies. They call us cult members, but don't seem to remember themselves when that Kenyan terrorist was running.

Megadeth 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm a fuckin idiot. I keep thinking space to earth kind of weapon when it's actually using the ionosphere from earth. Tesla's wireless power transmitter technology could be used for this purpose. The great pyramid, according to some anyway, generated electricity and used the ionosphere the same way at one point in the distant past.

Ho Lee Fuk.

I lied about shitting my pants ... I'm stunned!

Megadeth 2 points ago +2 / -0

That would be my first thought when it comes to "exotic" energy that I mentioned. I see those "star in a jar" kinds of things people make with acoustics and wonder how much we don't know.

Megadeth 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'll be flat out honest here ... if they're really controlling hurricanes, I will likely shit my pants as badly as Joe. I understand I may have to sit in my own shit if I am wrong. Also, I can assure you I am not woke ... sitting in shit would not be comfortable.

On a more serious note, what kind of energy do people think they're using? You need a MASSIVE amount of energy to help create a hurricane equally as massive. The only thing I can come up with is that they're using the sun somehow, but,you aren't going to be able to generate a hurricane using the sun unless you have one big fucking mirror and a lot of time ... it'd be big enough to notice overall.

If they have some kind of exotic energy, then maybe you could pull it off.

Still, I'm going to remain a skeptic hurricane generation ... if I'm wrong, I'm wrong :-). I know they fuck around with the weather, but a hurricane is something on a whole other level.

Megadeth 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's another attack vector of course ... :-) .

I'm pretty sure a war will break out when the first major Rat US politician is exposed for being a Diddy and/or Epstein 'client'. It'll be either that, or a lot of Americans are going to die from some DS engineered "event" not long after news breaks.

Also, you'll know which Rat has all of the power ... if it's Obama, the Clintons will fall ... if it's Clinton, then Barry and Big Mike are going to fall (this is what I think is coming ... I think Hillary is the cunt behind the curtains).

Megadeth 1 point ago +1 / -0

If the MSM just sticks to facts and doesn't slip stealth editorials into their reporting, many of those vicious people will come to their senses.

Remember, TV is one hell of a drug. Brainwashing can happen to anyone regardless of how intelligent he or she may or may not be (fuck you to any lurking woke faggots cringing at the thought of binary sex/gender "assignments") . When you have almost every single channel in a cable package telling people that orange man is bad, some are going to believe it regardless of any facts you throw in their face.

Megadeth 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're not going to cry if Disney suffers??? What's wrong with you man ... I'll be crying tears of joy so long as non-pedos are not hurt :-).

Megadeth 4 points ago +4 / -0

I liked "The Stand" ... but I tend to like most end of the world stories, so ...

I do despise Stephen King though. What an asshole.

Megadeth 5 points ago +5 / -0

People still believe it's only a few people. They have absolutely no idea how many people are under the influence of blackmail unless the diddler in question supports the Rat party. Both sides will call out any R diddler with no problem, but I guarantee you that they'd support Rat diddlers so long as their TV tells them to do so.

Megadeth 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wow. They're suddenly concerned about the "natural born citizen" requirement. Amazing.

Megadeth 3 points ago +3 / -0

In her case, sex matters. She slept with someone in power to gain power. That needs to be pointed out. She is a whore in the literal sense. If she was just slutting around I'd agree with you, but whoring for power seems to be more of a pathology than it is some kind of kink.

Megadeth 1 point ago +1 / -0

Those lasers would have to fire off an incredible amount of energy to cause or steer a storm. I wonder if they have shit that uses the sun to heat things up ... Like take solar radiation and focus it ... Kind of like what you'd do with a magnifying glass to start a fire.

Megadeth 1 point ago +1 / -0

She kinda looks like that now. She had her face done ... Swelling went down and that was the end result.

The weird thing is that if you see her from other camera angles, she looks like an old hag in denial, but from sort of a dead on picture of her face, she looks about 20 years younger than she is.

Megadeth 2 points ago +2 / -0

On top of that, they don't want footage of the destruction since it exposes how incompetent they are.

Megadeth 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bush likely did that on purpose. The Rs had big margins in the Senate and House. They could have done a LOT.

Of course, nothing was done. Bush hid after his feeble attempt at privatizing socialist security went up in flames (by feeble, I mean he paid some lip service and a few commercials hit the air, but it never went anywhere). It was reminiscent of his dad running in 1992 ... he gave off a vibe that he didn't want to be in DC ... of course, this was on purpose since he seemed to want his secret pal Bill and his cunt wife as POTUS.

Hurricane Katrina is what led to the Rats getting control of the Senate and House in 2006 ... Bush all but disappeared, let the media trash him while calling him a conservative, and didn't seem to pop his head back up until Nancy was running the House and Chuck was running the Senate.

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