Ive got the best job in the world. I work for myself.i dont need or want to change anything. I dont have to worry about my boss requiring vaccines,masks or any other stupid shit cuz i am my boss.
Cant believe someone set tgemselves up properly and actually loves what they do?
I get 50 bux an hour cash to walk into peoples shops and fill in for a couple days when theyre short handed or dont have someone that can do what i do.
Did a transmission in a 93 mustang last night in 2.5 hours for 600 bux cash.
Im going to drop around 3,000 on tge motor for my car just so can burn up 400 dollars worth of tires a week.
Trust me,i got the best job in the world.i love what i do.
It is that simple. Start looking for another job now before they mandate the jab. When you find one,you quit and tell them its over the vaccine.
Nobody wants to work. This is the time to make your move to a better paying and less stressful job.
Now is the time to chase that career change you been thinking about for the last 15 years.
Ive got the best job in the world. I work for myself.i dont need or want to change anything. I dont have to worry about my boss requiring vaccines,masks or any other stupid shit cuz i am my boss.
Cant believe someone set tgemselves up properly and actually loves what they do?
I get 50 bux an hour cash to walk into peoples shops and fill in for a couple days when theyre short handed or dont have someone that can do what i do.
Did a transmission in a 93 mustang last night in 2.5 hours for 600 bux cash.
Im going to drop around 3,000 on tge motor for my car just so can burn up 400 dollars worth of tires a week.
Trust me,i got the best job in the world.i love what i do.
Well see,i dont give a shit about being anonymous.
Grab the plate.get my user name and do your research.i do this shit for fun. Money dont mean shit to me.