I've had my feet in and out over the years of really starting my journey into the words of Jesus Christ, but haven't fully accepted it. I finished watching [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZ4NTdSK5ac] and my mind is blown. Especially the part he says towards the end that "why should god show himself to me if I won't continue banging on the door over and over?"
It's like I've been waiting for proof, but if I knock once or twice, don't get proof and give up, why should god present himself?
I encourage you all to watch this video. For those of us who were on Voat, it says a lot of what we already knew, but he provided sources, citations, photos. It's quite remarkable the work he put into this video.
Anyways, I would like to get myself a bible and I am curious what the most accurate version is?
I am also curious if the words of the bible today can be trusted? Who is to say the satanists didn't take over publication and tweak words, remove verses, etc? This is a legitimate concern of mine.
This is the most serious post I've ever made and I am genuinely looking forward to responses so I can proceed to the next step of this journey.
I only have the older version.
I have the 1995, then, thought you meant they made a new one recently. I feel like, biblically, I'm a bit rogue compared to most I see discussing it online. I don't get too semantic but try to look at more than one translation often. I don't think God is a petty God trying to trap us with tricks and semantics in to or out of anything and so of course He has made it so that as we seek Him through His Word, He shows us new and different wisdom each time and in many ways. There's a very good book called Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby that speaks on some of this too. We know God is speaking to us when we encounter the same message about something in our Bible, devotional, through other believers, all in that too good to be a coincidence timing. And I have sure preferences about which Bible versions I read, and why, but all were translated by mere humans, so we appears have to rest in the relationship with the true Author to know for certain how to take things from it and use them in our lives.