I've had my feet in and out over the years of really starting my journey into the words of Jesus Christ, but haven't fully accepted it. I finished watching [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZ4NTdSK5ac] and my mind is blown. Especially the part he says towards the end that "why should god show himself to me if I won't continue banging on the door over and over?"
It's like I've been waiting for proof, but if I knock once or twice, don't get proof and give up, why should god present himself?
I encourage you all to watch this video. For those of us who were on Voat, it says a lot of what we already knew, but he provided sources, citations, photos. It's quite remarkable the work he put into this video.
Anyways, I would like to get myself a bible and I am curious what the most accurate version is?
I am also curious if the words of the bible today can be trusted? Who is to say the satanists didn't take over publication and tweak words, remove verses, etc? This is a legitimate concern of mine.
This is the most serious post I've ever made and I am genuinely looking forward to responses so I can proceed to the next step of this journey.
How can you say there is no scriptural support when all I have given you is scriptural support?
When our Lord named Simon a name that means "rock" (Aramaic Kepha) then speaking directly to him in Aramaic said "thou art Kepha, and upon this Kepha I will build my Church." (Mat-16:18) was that just coincidence?
Is it coincidence that all the lists of the apostles have Peter listed first? (Mat-10:2, Mark 3:14, Luke 6:14, & Acts 1:13). Or that the bible repeatedly singles out Peter from the other apostles? (Mark 16:7, Acts 2:37, Acts 5:29, Mark 1:36, Luke 8:45, Luke 9:32) Or that he is referred to as the"first" or "chief" (Mat-10:2, Mat-20:27). Is all that coincidence?
In regards to tradition, was St. Jerome, the enterpreter of the first common bible (died 420) wrong when he said "As I follow no leader save Christ, so I communicate with none but your blessedness, that is, with the Chair of Peter. For this, I know, is the rock on which the Church is built." (Sauce) Was St Ambrose (AD 340-397) wrong when he said, "Where Peter is therefore, there is the Church. Where the Church is there is not death but life eternal. ...Although many call themselves Christians, they usurp the name and do not have the reward." (Ibid) Or Boniface VIII in his Papal Bull Unam Sanctam (A.D. 1302): "We declare, say, define, and pronounce that it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff." (Ibid)
Are all these scriptures coincidences? Were all these Christians wrong? When was it okay to stop following the Roman Catholic Church? When was it okay to enterpret things based on your personal beliefs? Isn't that what's happening with our government?
This is like convincing someone to take off the mask. I thoroughly answer all questions with overwhelming evidence just to have mine ignored with repeated vague overtones.
Do you believe that the Holy Ghost proceeded from the Father and the Son?