Indeed, though they hardly ever kept up the narrative, they just ban those who question it so it looks like everyone agrees.
I'm genuinely curious what "They lost their biggest talking point and seem ready to fracture." means. It's probably similar to when a huge Q proof drops right on time like Myanmar or the many others over the years and the doomers and shills go "Qanon goes down in flames as Qtards realize the movement is bullshit." Desperate to make a proof look like the opposite so they go for the ad nauseum, confidently wrong assertions.
My favorite shill meme was back on Voat when the shills spammed Truman holding up the newspaper saying "QANON IS FUCKING BULLSHIT!" not realizing the irony of the meme, that its meant to mock the shills and not us Qtards/Qboomers/Qcumbers/Qanonsense folk
Since we are talking about the top minds, is anyone actually losing their mind over the new CDC guidance or are the top minds desperate to have their worldview confirmed?
Indeed, though they hardly ever kept up the narrative, they just ban those who question it so it looks like everyone agrees.
I'm genuinely curious what "They lost their biggest talking point and seem ready to fracture." means. It's probably similar to when a huge Q proof drops right on time like Myanmar or the many others over the years and the doomers and shills go "Qanon goes down in flames as Qtards realize the movement is bullshit." Desperate to make a proof look like the opposite so they go for the ad nauseum, confidently wrong assertions.
My favorite shill meme was back on Voat when the shills spammed Truman holding up the newspaper saying "QANON IS FUCKING BULLSHIT!" not realizing the irony of the meme, that its meant to mock the shills and not us Qtards/Qboomers/Qcumbers/Qanonsense folk