Don't get the death jab... it is an experimental gene-altering drug that has not been approved by the FDA... to force it on anyone is a federal crime and in violation of the Nuremberg code... survival rate of the coof for your age is 99.997%... if you're worried, take vit D, Zinc and Quercetin on a regular basis... if you're really worried, try to get some HCQ or Ivermectin... I'm 50 and not worried at all about the coof but am terrified about the global push of this death jab... we must resist and fight back
Don't get the death jab... it is an experimental gene-altering drug that has not been approved by the FDA... to force it on anyone is a federal crime and in violation of the Nuremberg code... survival rate of the coof for your age is 99.997%... if you're worried, take vit D, Zinc and Quercetin on a regular basis... if you're really worried, try to get some HCQ or Ivermectin... I'm 50 and not worried at all about the coof but am terrified about the global push of this death jab... we must resist and fight back