Look into Ray Peat. Adhering to some of his basic principles definitely boosted my health:
Careful about omega-6. Avoid seed oils. Use coconut oil, butter/ghee & animal fats to cook with. Small amounts of olive oil are beneficial, especially when used topically in my opinion. Wheat germ oil can be good internally and topically if kept fresh in vacuum, or it starts going rancid immediately. Therefore capsules are perfect.
Eat mostly clean carbs: potatoes, oats, white rice, fruits, fruit juices, carrots, pumpkins, squashes, white sugar, beets, tomatoes. Limit carbs with an abundance of anti-nutrients such as whole-grain bread that isn't sourdough, legumes.
Generous amounts of high-quality dairy products. Coconut milk.
Some good quality meat & wild-caught fish here and there, organ meats are a plus.
Coffee with grass-fed/pastured gelatin/collagen, milk and sugar. Coconut oil & ghee are also nice in coffee.
Zinc, Magnesium, kelp tablets for Iodine, vitamin D3, long-release vitamin C. Apple cider vinegar in small amounts in dressings and diluted in water. Be generous with seasalt & potassium chloride (NoSalt) especially when craving it.
Look into Ray Peat. Adhering to some of his basic principles definitely boosted my health:
I thought white rice was a no no but long grain rice was okay? In moderation obviously.
Please see my reaction to the comment placed by worldowedexplanation. :)