Become the "Grey Man",don't draw attention to yourself,play along with them.Also
read up on counter interrogation techniques and mind manipulation techniques.
You have a fabulous opportunity to infiltrate and learn a great deal,but be very
careful,as other Anons have said their tactics are very subtle and effective.
I wish you great success in your endeavour and good luck,you should have a very
interesting time in doing this great service to the Great Awakening.
Become the "Grey Man",don't draw attention to yourself,play along with them.Also read up on counter interrogation techniques and mind manipulation techniques.
You have a fabulous opportunity to infiltrate and learn a great deal,but be very careful,as other Anons have said their tactics are very subtle and effective.
I wish you great success in your endeavour and good luck,you should have a very interesting time in doing this great service to the Great Awakening.