posted ago by Darwyn ago by Darwyn +55 / -2


I was going to reply to this post instead I'm making a post so everyone understands. If they can manipulate the GOP PRIMARY to install their candidate, a candidate they have compromising information on, then they control EVERYTHING. That is why it all looks like controlled opposition or a uniparty. HUGE swaths of the GOP are either controlled or being manipulated by the same people that are holding Biden/Pelosi's leash. The ones they don't have blackmail over are simply bought off or they are just greedy corporate owned stooges.

That's why the Democrats constantly get their way is because the GOP is divided into 4-5 different camps with different agendas or reason for voting on certain issues. Hardly any of them represent us and the few people that do run who would represent us are quickly defeated in a primary and cut off from any funding to get their message out. The Democrats on the other hand vote 99% the same. Why? Because they are all controlled by a central authority. Same with the media, centrally controlled.

The election fraud issue is on BOTH sides. How did Gov Kemp of GA get his job? He was Sec State. Who runs elections? Sec State. Why did he nominate Kelly Loeffler? Of course he got something out of it. They are ALL corrupt.

There are only two things to worry about... Exposing the election fraud so that we can have REAL elections. Then making sure quality MAGA candidates win every GOP primary election at every level of government.

Everything else is just a side show. Its all curing symptoms, not fixing the actual disease. Its all band-aides being put on major gunshot wounds. None of it will fix anything. Exposing the election fraud is the only thing that matters right now.