The vax is way worse than just being poison bois
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Very informative. My comment is that God will not ignore this, and the ones responsible will not be able to weather the reaction of heaven. The people who are tinkering with the human genome are in far more trouble than they would ever get from outraged humanity realizing what they are doing. They are provoking God, and messing with His creation in this way is something that really makes Him angry.
The last time someone was tinkering with human DNA was in the days of Noah. How did God respond? He destroyed all life on the entire world, including the animals, whose genetics had also been corrupted. He saved only a few people who had entirely human DNA along with a representative population of animals He preserved as He had designed them. It is recorded that Noah was “perfect in his generations.” This doesn’t mean he was a really good man. It means he was genetically pure. He was entirely human with no artificial alterations in any of his ancestors all the way back to Adam. (So the boring genealogies listed in the Bible do have a purpose).
I find it interesting that Jesus said the world would be like it was in the days of Noah when He returns in the midst of God’s final judgement of the world. In context He was talking about people going about their lives with no clue that something very bad was about to happen, but His mention of the days of Noah is intriguing. It reminds me of the clues Q drops into messages to invite discovery. There is certainly a connection in the fact that they are once again messing with genetics, trying to artificially change the blueprints of life, but this time it is people who are doing it, rather than intruders from outside the world.
The story of Noah is embedded in the human psyche. It appears all over the world in every culture in a variety of presentations, but it would seem we have not learned the lesson. Some folks have been so deceived by the propaganda coming from “official science” that they think the present tinkering with genetics can only produce a glorious future for humanity. But they fail to realize the enormous complexity of the thing these foolish people are trying to manipulate. In their arrogance, they think they know enough to achieve their ends, but every string they pull is connected to a thousand others they didn’t anticipate. They are like children looking at the vast interconnected machinery of a factory from the vicinity of a tempting box of wrenches, not knowing what damage they can do from loosening just a single bolt. They will not be happy when the Adult comes onto the factory floor to stop them.
Big flood and killing everything. Big reset much XD