posted ago by MAG768720 ago by MAG768720 +27 / -0

The sickos are planning to create future vaccines that are "self-disseminating," meaning they spread to other people who have not had them.

Never mind that they claim that "vaccine shedding" does not happen, they are planning to use the idea for future vaccines.

Someone else gets a vaccine, and they give it to you just by being near you. That's the concept.

Let's not forget that these current experimental drugs (not legally classified as "vaccines") are NOT traditional vaccine concepts.

The traditional concept is that a person is injected with a small amount of virus, the person's body naturally developes antibodies to that virus, and those antibodies stay in the body for life, so that if the person gets that same virus in the future, they can more easily deal with it.

Let's not pay any attention to the fact that this has NEVER been proven to actually work. It is just a theory, with no real clinical trials to prove it. People go along with it on faith, not facts. Set that aside.

Assuming this concept does work, it is the human body that reacts to the virus and decides what antibodies to produce, how much, quanity/quality, etc.

These new drugs are NOT that. They do not have ANY actual virus in them. How could they? The CDC has stated that they DO NOT HAVE ANY SARS-COV-2/COVID19 that could be used for vaccines. Strange statement.

So, these experimental drugs use lab-created chemicals that tell the body to produce these antibodies. Are they the right amount? The right quality? The right antibodies at all? Yes, say the drug makers -- we are supposed to believe them, even though 2 of them have been caught intentionally lying about other drugs in the past that the executives KNEW were harming people.

So now, they DO NOT NEED ANY REAL VIRUS to claim there is a "health risk," they can manufacture a totally man-made drug in a lab WITH NO VIRUS SAMPLE, inject the drug into some people, and have them SHED it to others (even though they also say this can't happen).

These sickos need to be stopped and prosecuted.

Fauci would be a great first arrest for bioweapon terrorism and crimes against humanity.
