30 Yrs Ago, Dr. Robert Willner Accused Anthony Fauci Of Genocide. He’s the biggest killer in history.
Cabal History Theory
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The actual implications of this are immense. It would be a link with AIDS, specifically the HIV component, which plays a part in the make-up of the CCP Virus, as totally man made and intentionally let loose. Fuck me, "these people won't be able to walk down the street" is a gross understatement.
EDIT: Also, it would mean the LGTB communities have been violently supporting their eradicators. The emotional fallout is gonna be awful. Think about being THAT brainwashed, to support those outright wishing you dead, for so long. We really do need to be there for those abruptly awakened. We must help those living in the dark for so long learn to bear the light again. They used my birth country as a testbed for controlled political violence for over a quarter of a century, I won't let it happen like that again where I now reside. They used the North America/Africa as the testbed for AIDS. They used the planet for the CCP virus.