Thank you to anyone who has the time to send me anything to try and wake her up . I just started saving on here , but most was on my email, which I guess google gmail deleted ! She just stormed out and now it’s a text war . She was conservative when she was younger , college and social media destroyed her in her early twenties. This will honestly be my last attempt. She was always so proud and grateful that I didn’t do vax on her when she was baby , now she says she may get this shot . I have all the vac info but need other wake up videos or mild red pill videos for her . Out of the shadows , any where I can start , so much has been taken down off of social media ?
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I haven’t seen these so I’ll enjoy as well .thank you , it’s one thing to deal with the idiot left in our society ..but my kid , I raised her and two others alone since babies lost their dad , he’s in heaven not having to see this horror .lomg I can’t take this
I had to raise my 3 for the same reason. My daughter took the jab even though I gave her much info , Gave her Quercitin , Bought her Vit D3 and gave her zinc. She still went and got the jab. I am heartsick over this. She has a 9 y.o. and I am so fearful for him. I sent her the video of the little boy convulsing. I pleaded with her not to gamble with the well being of my only grandchild. I feel that even in her 40s she rebels against me. My two sons are based and grounded and will never get the jab.
Hi there yes I remember you I sent you some scriptures for your daughter I’ll still lift her up in prayer when it crosses my mind, I have to be honest I pray I don’t have to do that for my daughter , she says she hasn’t decided yet ? She won’t tell me if she does this I know . , although she’s gone in Lefty Loony land I’m in shock ,tells me I’m nuts and obsessed because I asked her to watch dr ten penny we’ve barely talked except superficial stuff for the past year , I’ve only mentioned it to her twice in about year , and I’m obsessed, she walked in my house with a mask on the other day and I told her to take it off or leave I mean I just can’t even believe this
It is so disheartening . I raised her with her John Wayne type of father until he died when she was 15. I never thought I would see the day when I would have to fear her choices in life , nor fear for her son's. I feel your pain. We love them but we are so frustrated and helpless. It pisses us off. You just want to shake them awake. How many kids did you have or is she an only child ? Maybe you said earlier but my memory is not so good. I read so many comments all day.
I have three , a son and two daughters ,this one who’s 28 and a daughter with downs and autism who’s 29 . I raised her pro life , my dr urged me to abort her after I had a daughter with Downs a year earlier ,, she now believes in abortion , I’m crushed , I left the modeling world because of the horrors , I struggled financially after leaving a lucrative job , but told her why I left , she now has gone into that world! She always bragged that her mother signed medical wavers for school instead of filling her with Vaxx poison , now she says Vaxx are safe , not that it’s a Vaxx! , my son is awake but no where near Q , but he loves Trump and won’t get the Vaxx , he was in prison 5 yrs drugs , never got over the death of his dad and masked the pain with drugs and anger so he just came home 6 months ago , he just rented a 5 bedroom house and opened it as a sober living house and manages it , he also works full time ! He believes but doesn’t want to discuss anything which is ok , I send him stuff from here memes mostly and he enjoys it but I can’t talk to him about his sister, he’s pissed but doesn’t want to get angry so I’m basically alone , I have Q thank God lol
Hey, any time you want to talk I'm right here.I am living this along with you. I still have never figured out how to DM someone from here , but if you know how, do it and tell me how to reply. It is hard for me knowing that if Dad was here she would listen to HIM. She was always daddy's girl. My two son's turned out fine as possible. They own two businesses together and seem to really like me and my opinions.They call me to come to their shop and eat take out and to hang out with them , so I can't be all bad. Neither are you if you've only brought this stuff up twice in a year. It is sad that trying to protect adult kids results in division.
Much love thank you , I’m so happy you have your sons , thank God! Mine is busy and I thread lightly especially after what he’s been through ! I work and than I’m home with daughter she needs 24/7 care so my shift is when I get home do yes I’m alone ! I don’t know how to do dM barely know how to post or email lol I’m fact right now my key board turned into this tiny block over this area to write , I don’t know how to to get it back to normal this is crazy , the keyboard is a tiny block in the way of writing , maybe if I turn iPad off it will resume to normal lol ,, I’ll be able to write more when I fix this ,, but thank you so much ,? Your in Michigan correct ? I think I donated to a guy who’s running Gov? Did u ask for anyone to donate ? . I just saw this for some reason. "Normal children can cause suffering in the world , but there is no way to check on that, is there?"
Well I have a quote normal liberal daughter and one with Downs and autism .. 28 n 29 not sure which one gives me more heartache