Took my daughter to swim class. The fucking swim instructors wear masks and face shields, in the damn chlorinated swimming pool.
Anyway, sitting in the parent watch room, there was a chair available next to me. Some young mom (late 20s) walks over and the following conversation occurs:
Libtard: "mind if I sit here?"
Me: "no, go ahead"
Libtard: "thank you, and don't worry, I got my shots, did you?"
Me: "I'm not worried, and you don't need to share your private medical history in order to use the chair".
Libtard: sits down, staring at me
Libtard: "So you did not get your vaccine?"
Me: "My medical info is not your concern."
Libtard: "Thanks anyway, Im going to sit somewhere else".
Me: "later skater"
The same people who want men in the ladies' room AND who are vaccinated, allegedly providing protection from covid, won't sit near a pure person.
We need to change the language. Unvaccinated means intact immune system. Pure. Clean.
Let them know we think they are sullied. Dirty.
they are GMO people