I made a mistake yesterday and I want to know more to be sure I can shut their mouths next time, I had a discussion with one of my leftie yesterday and I laughed at him when he told me that the AZ enquiry was handled by cyber ninjas, he then told me that it was indeed the name of the team/company handling the recount and I told him it was fake news to ridicule us, then I verified... oups I need a little background of those guys to show him that they are legit and not weirdos, but I have to say it kinda sucks that they picked that name, doesn’t really help our case. Let me know guys I want to shut him up for good
Comments (33)
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Lol why not have the name Cyber Ninja. That is an epic name. Epicness deserves bonus points. At the end of the day it's the sore losers who wished the epic didn't notice them.
100 years from now...
Once Upon a time there was a leader who trumped all others. The land was great and people were happy until one day all the people turned on auto pilot to keep the society steady. In the midst of the night, an evil rat came and brought a plague like no other. This caused the people's autopilot to receive a virus and everyone's directions were rerouted. The great leader of the land was helping reformat the autopilot system. The virus was more destructive that Cyber Ninjas was needed to finish the process and get everyone back on track. It was the Cyber Ninjas who saved the day. The end.
I do love my Ninjas don’t get me wrong ? But you know what I mean, it does not help convince normies , I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. The last message from The Don gave me hope though, he’s back with us fighting this sham of an election
Normies will cherry pick literally anything out of what you say and harp on it similarly. When they don’t want to hear it, they won’t hear it.
Normies or liberals? At least some normies have open minds
Who cares about the normies it's all about the future. I wrote a story in the comments. Lol check it out.
We need to care now, Trump finally decided to really start fighting, it’s on for real and we don’t need to only convince ourselves but also a decent share of the rest, it’s not a joke we need to be perfect from now on
What is wrong with their name? What do you mean by "doesnt really help our case"?
Yes ! It’s fine we’ll do with it but it’s far from ideal, from now on we need to care about the optics, we will need to convince more than ourselves and don’t give them any kind of help, so no more Kraken, no more tic toc, we need solid actuon
I mean... it’s probably the most important recount ever and it’s handled by... Ninjas ? ? My leftie could not stop laughing and it kinda drove me mad , then I checked them and they don’t feel super legit, I could not find examples of past audits done by them for example, who are they ?? Please tell me they are not grifters once again
Well bro, think of it like this.....if you had heard much about them before then they would not be very good ninjas.....ha
There has never previously been a forensic audit of a Presidential election so it's not surprising that you can't find evidence that these ninjas did one.
As I was saying earlier Trump got back in the fight for real with his latest announcement, now we need to be not deplorable ;) but inevitable
Wonderful ! Thanks a lot !
You might like to rephrase "here is they are policies". Maybe "here are their policies".
I think the guy who owns the company owns a gazilIion patents on the processes they are using, if that helps. They are legit!
Exactly my problem, we need to be bullet proof from now on
I am not sure what the patents are in. I just know, from what I have read, that he is pretty smart.
I suppose it's not as official as "asshole and asshole cyber" but this can be applied to a number of companies. Wtf is a Google?
If all theyve got to attack is the name it's the same as getting "owned in a debate" by someone for improper grammar..they can't attack the ideas so they nit pick something irrelevant to the topic as they struggle to regain their superiority.
I know ! But let’s be honest, the optics do matter , months after months we are fighting along people that seem... less than ideal
Googol. It's a big number.
It's a christ-based company and their CEO Doug Logan is based. What else do you want?
Ideally ? Somebody that either side could not argue against, is it too much to ask?
Is there anything out there that says they aren't impartial? Or just speculation?
They absolutely could be but you know how it is, if the referee before a game says : huge fan of X, the Y team will probably complain
Considering we are up against a company called DOMINION, the name Cyber Ninjas is just fine in my book.
Teenage Mutant Cyber Ninjas!