So then what makes you think life itself isnt just one giant pysop?
I seen trump do the masonic handshake.
Some say "oh but his entire life would have to be a lie"
Correct but evil will do anything to get its way right?
Im fidning little things here and there that really fuck with me. Ill be scrolling past thousands of comments on youtube and theres that one that goes. "Its not jesus its yuesha" or something like that and im like so then wtf is the truth then?
I watches the x factor dude expose the free masons and some dude in the comments is like " this dude is an idiot. Hes lying to you by what hes not saying and then refers to some books to read(dont have the names right now. I wrote them.down will share later)
So in my head im like " theres even a deeper truth then knowing about satanism?"
And the one thing that she said struck me more than anything. She goes if this was the full truth it wouldve been nuked off of youtube already and shes right. My channel was brand new and i tried posting truth there about the vax and it got nuked over night. Litterally. And whenever the lady tried to comment her comments were getting insta deleted. I got lucky that i caught one of her comments(which is the books she reccomdened) so in my point of veiw it has to be the truth if it got nuked that fast
Im making this post because i think there is WAY more to this world that what we already know. I think we are still asleep. I dont think a single one of us has truly woken up yet.
Idk man. Reality is falling apart at the seams the more i do research. The hole just keeps getting deeper. Im legit scared of finding out the truth for once in my life. If trump really is playing both sides then we are truly fucked beyond words
I try not to worry.. post some more of your digs if you find anything....