posted ago by Vapourface ago by Vapourface +208 / -0

My last posting was about Pierre Gilbert who linked the Rwanda genocide to vaccines and the application of electromagnetic waves to the vaccinated. For 100days one tribe in Rwanda went berserk and killed, hand to hand, 800,000 members of another tribe (the tutsis and hutus) So, imagine if you will, a vaccine that grows ferratin protein crystals in the brain of everyone who is vaccinated. Tiny "aerials" in the body or brain. Making people sensitive to EM radiation which as you might know will induce voltages on any conductive material in it's field. Small structures like that would pick up high frequency signals. With sufficient numbers of people sensitized (vaccinated), maybe, the plan here is to begin to flood the world with a specific signal, a "doomsday" signal, that induces despair or rage or similar strong emotion in people.

Ladies and gentlemen this would indeed be biblical. It would look exactly like Judgement day in the old paintings. Everyone killing themselves or killing each other.

Racial division? mass immigration of hostile people? the effect of such a scheme would be magnified if hostility and proximity between people with latent resentment was at a maximum for the beginning of such a scheme of death such as this scenario...

Obviously I hope I am wrong, but the hydrogel vaccines that build crystalline conductive structures is a FACT. EM induction is a fact. Remote control by EM radiation is a fact. People hostile to each other and increasing division is a fact.

Everything is in place for this scenario to be plausible. After thinking about this, I remembered the tweet from Trump. "I just want to stop the world from killing itself!" and that had new potential meaning.

They even advance-placed ridicule for TIN FOIL HATS ! which could actually mitigate this scenario. Cripes, I don't enjoy how my mind works sometimes.