Vapourface 6 points ago +6 / -0

She drops a series of absolute lead-balloon clangers then tumbleweeds then spooky music to fill the silence while everyone side-eyes everyone else, then an out of place bone chiling cackle, then Kamala says "we can edit that out?" then Joe says "We're livestreaming" then more tumbleweeds as wide-eyed Kamala freezes with the camera on her for 3 full minutes, then internet blackout.

Vapourface 5 points ago +5 / -0

He will be saying "Oh it's unfair to do the traditional roast if she isn't here, which is a shame on her, really, I mean what can I say if she isn't here to defend herself? I could talk about her not having her own mind, really, not even understanding what she is doing, but I can't do that now. She thinks President means photoshoots and long photoshop sessions, and sobering up. Read the lines. She could have brought notes. It's a tought gig, I get it, but so is President, so too bad Kammala didn't show, maybe she hates Catholics? Who knows, Kammala probably doesn't know until told what to think. Oh well, Instead I'll talk about how Great we are going to make America again, even bigger and richer than before. . . .

Vapourface 1 point ago +1 / -0

Heavy hints: Prosecuted crimes against children AND had extremely low numbers of prosecutions

They didn't dwell on this, but it literally MEANS she was letting people off pedo shit they should have been buried for.

Vapourface 3 points ago +3 / -0

failed and corrupt political establishment - quote from "The speech that will get Donald Trump elected" circa 2016

Vapourface 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just waiting for him to get involved enough to release something? - or a message to Obama, warning him not to get involved?

Vapourface 4 points ago +4 / -0

If Trump is holed up in MAL it will give plausibly deniability to the "fellow Americans" tweet

Vapourface 1 point ago +1 / -0

A pair of poisoned cowboy boots was the delivery vehicle I heard. Marley was too dangerous preaching brotherhood etc.

Vapourface 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought Seal Team 6 were shot down due to HRC treachery and mostly killed?

Oh sure, we will just forgive that and all the other crimes shall we?

Vapourface 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could actually be a white hat (grey) plan to embarrass current admin, but also have boom-ready resources for the coming times. Not everything will be clean. If it goes into actually helping the country, maybe a calculation was made. Trump comes in and promises them all a tidy federal buy-out, then it's boom time with the bonanza of jobs and wealth flowing into the country from a national resource to fund the government itself. A big idea, if true. Godspeed to those who sadly died, maybe it was a stronger storm than intended?

Vapourface 3 points ago +3 / -0

14% of those in Israel speak Russian, although I would hesitate to call them Russians, they are there mostly because they are Jews. My next sentence is self censored

Vapourface 1 point ago +1 / -0

If we believe their power is limited by not having control of the US military at this time, it means the cabal is calling in storms and it cannot be countered by US military. It's like a supernatural ability. Part of the death blossom?

Vapourface 2 points ago +2 / -0

Women of quality are probably put-off entering such a scrum too, which maybe men do not see so clearly. Our women are high quality, but have no desire to attract attention.

Vapourface 12 points ago +12 / -0

It was after pizzagate we first heard the term "fake news" popularised in direct response to it. It was a big thing, and in response they went absolutely mental.

Vapourface 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same author did a very good book on vaccines too (death by injection or something like that). Contains the origin of the phrase gaslighting as a side story, very apt.

Vapourface 5 points ago +5 / -0

There is a current rumour that UK PM is currently operating a super-injunction to gag the press preventing revelations they have about a donor. It is known he has accepted clothing and stays in luxury accommodation without declaring these gifts, but there is something else, allegedly, they are forced to refrain from publishing. Trump will know, so the meeting will be awkward potentially.

Vapourface 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am basing it on the fact that nitrous oxide is partly oxygen, you are telling me that is not bio-available, fair enough. My model of understanding is from the fact that it is used in motor racing to get more oxygen into the cylinder because it contains more oxygen than free air does. I understand now better having looked, thanks.

Vapourface 24 points ago +24 / -0

Starting to seem like the Epstein arrest, and "suicide" and then nothing happening was a kind of misdirection play. So that the high level folks implicated would think "It's ok now, we sorted that mess out, carry on" and meanwhile there was ongoing investigations culminating in this PDiddy shit (so far).

Vapourface 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't see how NO2 can knock you out, it is two parts oxygen and the very inert nitrogen. Maybe by making you fall and hit your head through dizziness. It's used as aesthetic because it's a stimulation distraction not a knock-out? Could be wrong but this is what I thought I knew...

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