And it probably won’t pass because nothing has been done to correct the shenanigans in November. I hope to God it does, but I’m not getting my hopes too high.
Also, when I voted, the Dem people running Election Day in my township were cheering how they had voted by mail for the past fifteen years and have never voted in person until now because “Oregon doesn’t do it that way.”
Wondering why PA GOP hasn’t pushed for an audit yet. Even Jill Stein sued them all in 2016 for rigged counting.
Seriously considering moving
PA pede here, eastern side. Turnout extremely low so far for 1pm.
Non existent in my precinct. And... no challenge to wear a face diaper! One of the poll workers took hers off too when she saw my nude... face.
That was my experience as well. We had lines all day for Nov. 3rd; in and out in fifteen minutes today.
Also Eastern. Hoping the rational red counties pull us out of this mess.
The wording on the first two amendments was the most passive aggressive, butt-hurt phrasing Wolf could’ve worked out.