Supposedly that Eisenhower made an agreement with ET.s that in exchange for advanced tech, they could take people.
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How do you know? Where is the anti-sauce?
Haha. Are you fucking kidding me? You're going to ask for sauce for something that has absolutely ZERO sauce to being with.
My sauce is. It makes no fucking sense. Completely illogical. Why would aliens need to make a fucking deal?. What's Ike gna do if aliens want to come here and take people. We going sick NASA, and their shitty technology to got attack their home world?
Deep breath, just an honest conversation. ?
Sorry Fren, I'm on edge today.
It’s all good
Well since anti sauce isn't a thing, you might want to put a grin at the end.
They could just come here and take whoever, but the aliens make a deal to give us technology that could potentially stop them. Does that make any fucking sense to you?
They probably knew it would take us a while to figure it out, so not an immediate threat. Hell they could if given us an alien toaster we wouldn’t of know the difference and would of been willing to sell out anything to get it. We probably offered it up first ?
What about the fallen ones? I could see them in a deal-making mood to bolster their numbers/depravity. Good morning!
Sunday morning!