week after Hamas terrorists in Gaza began firing a relentless barrage of rockets into Israel, indiscriminately shelling civilian targets as well as dropping some missiles short and blowing up buildings within its territory.
True. "Hamas" (Palestinian arab coverup for Mossad & CIA) attacked,but what happened before of that ?
And fights begun after clashes on Temple hill. Zionists want to rebuild Salomon temple,but to do so they need to evicts arabs and destroy Mosques on Temple Mount. Moreover - jews attacked them during RAMADAN.
For Arabs Ramadan is like Christmas or Easter for us (Jews already tried to forbid us both "because of Covid") ok ?!
week after Hamas terrorists in Gaza began firing a relentless barrage of rockets into Israel, indiscriminately shelling civilian targets as well as dropping some missiles short and blowing up buildings within its territory.
True. "Hamas" (Palestinian arab coverup for Mossad & CIA) attacked,but what happened before of that ?
https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/07/world/middleeast/evictions-jerusalem-israeli-palestinian-conflict-protest.html https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2021/5/4/violence-is-a-permanent-feature-of-palestinian-lives-in-jerusalem
And fights begun after clashes on Temple hill. Zionists want to rebuild Salomon temple,but to do so they need to evicts arabs and destroy Mosques on Temple Mount. Moreover - jews attacked them during RAMADAN.
For Arabs Ramadan is like Christmas or Easter for us (Jews already tried to forbid us both "because of Covid") ok ?!