posted ago by wideawakeuk ago by wideawakeuk +48 / -1

Hi frens,

I've been pondering something for a bit and have mentioned it a few times here in other posts. That something is the Schumann Resonance- the earth's hum - 7.83hz.


For a daily updated reading, this Russian site is (I believe) the only remaining site doing this- all others have been removed- possibly due to the fact that the resonance has been quite lively in recent times- you will notice that it has a small baseline at around 7.83, but fluctuates wildly- this is reportedly not normal and people started to notice.


This could indicate something happening under the ground- it looks to come in pulses and shocks and then recede again.

Now, our ancestors were well aware of things like this, they harnessed the power of the earth through large piezoelectric stone monoliths (pyramids, henges etc) placed directly ontop of these seams / pulse lines of energy (centred at the time in Egypt- I say 'at the time' because these were antediluvian societies). It was said to imbue longevity, intelligence and a number of other attributes too outlandish to start with here.

(Some of the more outlandish historical claims can be found within this site- needs a very open mind- skip this if you're not into alternative history, though there is loads of interesting 'outside the box' thinking.)


Now, to modern day, we have had lightning warnings and 'rare' events happening simultaneously round the world (Taiwan blackout, China shaky building, USA, UK blackout / lightning warnings).

I wonder if the operation is getting close to the source of a lot of this 'free' energy- which is what it equates to if you were to harness the frequencies emitting from the earth- free power.

I'm sure I've missed lots and I'd be grateful to hear thoughts- please feel free to build on this and use it for your purposes.