The then Prime Minister, now deputy leaking contract negotiations.
Investment funds not only buying housing for a decade, enabled by government tax breaks, but the government investing in these funds. Housing is a huge issue here.
In-person Mass made illegal for months.
Travel restrictions.
Mother & baby home report.
Problems with our state exams last summer.
Government, legal and lobby people caught breaking restrictions to have a golf dinner.
One of them then being appointed to the Supreme Court vacancy.
Toxic hand sanitiser (methanol) sent to doctors & schools
Government pay rises.
A government member suing a bar because she fell off a swing.
Health service IT hacked
Statutory instruments passed with reference to “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated” persons.
Green passport (aka digital ID). With a very hackable healthservice.
Sometimes I think the plan is ‘how hard do we have to hit them to wake them up!!’ because lots of people still want the vaccine. Half of pregnant women offered it are taking it even.
Sometimes I think I’d better nick a boat & sail to Florida.
We are trying and I’ve a few like-minded friends, only one of whom I knew before this started, but I can’t even wake my family.
Yes. The Clintons helped wonderfully with our peace process and disarming the provos.
All credit to them for that.
SO sorry to hear that...I will fight for you.
There are so many scandals breaking now.
The then Prime Minister, now deputy leaking contract negotiations.
Investment funds not only buying housing for a decade, enabled by government tax breaks, but the government investing in these funds. Housing is a huge issue here.
In-person Mass made illegal for months.
Travel restrictions.
Mother & baby home report.
Problems with our state exams last summer.
Government, legal and lobby people caught breaking restrictions to have a golf dinner.
One of them then being appointed to the Supreme Court vacancy.
Toxic hand sanitiser (methanol) sent to doctors & schools
Government pay rises.
A government member suing a bar because she fell off a swing.
Health service IT hacked
Statutory instruments passed with reference to “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated” persons.
Green passport (aka digital ID). With a very hackable healthservice.
Sometimes I think the plan is ‘how hard do we have to hit them to wake them up!!’ because lots of people still want the vaccine. Half of pregnant women offered it are taking it even.
Sometimes I think I’d better nick a boat & sail to Florida.
We are trying and I’ve a few like-minded friends, only one of whom I knew before this started, but I can’t even wake my family.
my goodness, that all sounds awful. Poor mothers I hope they get the placebo doses for the baby sake. Please be safe there, this all ends soon.