So I watched 3 great videos as below. They all say it's not too late but I don't take away a clear call to action that could have any immediate effect. Michael Yealdon end message seems to says spread the word to friends. Alitiyan Childs is not clear but I take away to become a Christian and pray. And I didn't get an obvious message from the Ivermectin video. Sure it can help convince people not to take it. But like Michael says if they bring in passports to force you to comply to enter shops, then what? Are we to protest? sign petitions? write letters? or just starve? where are we protesting? government offices, bill gates home town? Faucis house? I am not sure who the enemy when people say we are over the target? Fauci, gates, soros, rothchilds, masons, jevvs? This is not a doom, but I genuinely don't know who is the elite/cabal and even if we do what can we do. USA election proved it is corrupt from bottom to the very top.
The same goes for Civil War, who are we fighting? Government figures, Antifa, or is it left vs right? Where are we fighting? Fisty cuffs on the streets? Michael mentions Nuremberg Code 2.0 and hopes to see doctors there. What if the trials have corrupt plants in place? Like Michael also said its only like-minded people watching his content. I can share with my family but in the 70s they won't do much. I shared a great graph showing the date of introduction of masks vs the spikes that followed. I just got people saying has it been peer-reviewed. No of course not, gates owns and funds the review paper websites. Somebody else said was I trolling and before I could answer the group owner deleted it so censored.
We can only share on here with like-minded people. We are not getting out. They have their filthy fingers on everything. We are creating alternative platforms but they are just echo chambers for like-minded based people who have been banned elsewhere.
I genuinely just don't know what to do. Can't organize online due to censorship. People here in France are hardly on Twitter never mind heard of GAB/Parler. Gilet Jaunes organized on Facebook, but most groups got deleted and then it just pittered out. How do BLM and Antifa organize? Soros money and left media that allows them to?
If the amount of people who voted for Trump is true, then how many more people need to wake up? Is there not enough awake already? So many questions. Legal avenues don't seem to be working. If the military don't do anything what options do we have left? This is not just USA, this is worldwide problem? NWO / Great Reset.
Altiyan Childs on Freemasonry running the world, a bit long at 5 hrs
Michael Yealdon on Covid and vaccines, about an hour great watch (Sorry can't find link, it was on bitchute though, and linked on here a few days ago. I think it was done in December and hand FINAL WARNING).
Nope that's been debunked by snopes.
Googled : "Ivermectin India" - Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent
Reuters : I sown worked whose side they were on "Indian states turn to anti-parasitic drug to fight COVID-19 against WHO advice"
It is censored everywhere. I think somebody said if you mention the word on twitter it can be a ban.
I hope it gets more coverage then hopefully more people will see it. We will see.