I've stopped buying Chinese-made products for the last 5 months and I can't tell you how happy I've been and how much money I'll be saving.
A lot of Chinese goods are cheap upfront but you'll always end up paying more in the long run as you replace them more frequently. The frustration that comes with using crappy tools and items suck too. Using American / Canadian / Allied products simply is more enjoyable.
Stop buying Chinese. Hit them where it hurts!
I recently had to go through my parents old water pump shed where dad kept most of his tools. I was always a tool freak myself but bought the latest models. Electric, battery powered, air tools, etc. Well, I found some of pop's tools this past weekend, wood planes, saws, scribes, calipers, etc. All made in USA and still working! Not every new technology, is good. Sometimes, the old stuff just last longer, and works better. Planes are still sharp as razors! I love every one of them too!
And some of the old furniture too. Old wool tables that last in family for 50 or hundred years vs crap that falls apart after 5 years
Oh yeah, moms cedar chest! Made by Lane furniture, sold by Schreiber & Miller company in Galveston! Just the legs were bad on it. And it went through hurricane harvey in 2017, under 4ft of water. Cleaned up, looks great. Brass hardware still works perfectly. It also got soaked in hurricane Alicia in 1983. Awesome piece of furniture
I will. But currently just moving stuff out to make room. Finally having old house demolished for new house. But I have to get pictures of everything for insurance coverage while in storage. Soon. Very soon. Im also very new to GAW. So my posts do not appear to be showing.