posted ago by sleepydude ago by sleepydude +73 / -0

Some batches are more lethal than others.

Think of it this way, if you are going to depopulate the planet and 90% of the people taking the "vaccine" die within the first two shots you simply won't be able to hide the deaths.

Instead, only let a few of the batches at a time have the lethality. Give the politicians the "safe" ones so we can avoid the "X politician died after taking the vaccine, they are poison shots" stories.

Then, gradually ramp up the ratio of killer shots in circulation (it's kinda like the analogy of boiling a frog).

Then push booster shots to "circle back" on the ones that got the earlier "safe" batches and they will all start dropping like flies before they realize what's happened.

Another analogy is in how you poison an ant hill. If the poison works too quickly, then the ants will never get a chance to take it back to the queen. I hope this angle doesn't apply to the "vaccine" shedders...


Edit: To clarify, I think all are going to kill people. Some batches are just more lethal than others.