I want off this planet. I want to be seperated fron the Dummies. I can't take the mass stupidity anymore. I used to love Sci Fi movies, but living in one is a fricken nightmare.
I can't understand the people who are rushing to get the Vax. I used to think I was of average intelligence, but I gotta tell you, these buffoons make me feel like a genius. Or maybe it's just that I have complete faith in God and they have none. It's sad. But their lack of faith is destroying the planet, which is infuriating.
Ok just needed to rant, sorry.
Most of my immediate family won't be getting it but my sister recently surprised me saying she would get the Jab I would have thought of her as based certain things throughout the years she wouldn't believe the story and called bullshit on a lot of things, but told me because she has existing health problems and has listened to her friends who spout out how they know of someone who had covid etc they have successfully wore her down and scared her. Our uncle and his children had it the isolated for two weeks and he said it was not that bad and the rest of his family isolating did not even have symptoms I believe I can talk her around and I'm going to try my hardest at doing so
Fuck this propaganda and evil assholes they are not getting my family if I can help it at al