Savings/Checking accounts hardly matter in credit scores, it's repaying credit cards and installment loans on time for years that gives you a high credit score. Also your overall credit utilization, I've gotten a very high score from having lots of cards open but using less than 10% on average of the sum total of the credit limits, I tend to cycle through which cards I use depending on what reward points I'm banking and keep them all active by having a different bill being autopayed on each card and just pay them all off every month.
Savings/Checking accounts hardly matter in credit scores, it's repaying credit cards and installment loans on time for years that gives you a high credit score. Also your overall credit utilization, I've gotten a very high score from having lots of cards open but using less than 10% on average of the sum total of the credit limits, I tend to cycle through which cards I use depending on what reward points I'm banking and keep them all active by having a different bill being autopayed on each card and just pay them all off every month.