This is world wide,in Australia,the
Australian Medical Association(AMA) is seen by many Doctors as just another left wing trade union.
The AMA in Australia is always coming out
with the latest "woke",left project of the day,
while good medical practice and patient
care are the last thing on their minds.
A good example is the refusal to even
consider the use of HCQ,Ivermectin and
other safe treatments for the"scamdemic"
Marxist fun and games while unimportant
people suffer and die.
This is world wide,in Australia,the Australian Medical Association(AMA) is seen by many Doctors as just another left wing trade union.
The AMA in Australia is always coming out with the latest "woke",left project of the day, while good medical practice and patient care are the last thing on their minds.
A good example is the refusal to even consider the use of HCQ,Ivermectin and other safe treatments for the"scamdemic"
Marxist fun and games while unimportant people suffer and die.