posted ago by Aegonthe1st ago by Aegonthe1st +57 / -0

If you need a reminder, this is the post I made back then https://greatawakening.win/p/12iNGpBnvA/hey-you-know-that-experimental-v/c/

I've been with this guy for almost 6 years, he's got excellent bed side manner and is quite good at his job. Told me himself the masks don't work (blasphemy for a korean) and that he's terrified of the jab. But he was being forced to get it soon. That was a few weeks ago. I assumed in the interim he has been jabbed.

Well my wife messaged him to make an appointment for tomorrow (we're in the process of weaning her off all her chronic medication) and he replied to her that he is unavailable for an ENTIRE MONTH! His only explanation "for my health."

Bear in mind in all of the six years that I have known him, he has never before taken off more than a week from his practice.

I foresee very dark times for the land of the mask worshippers.