Yup. Some are cut-off because drugs took over, some are so fiscally illiterate they just...don't pay rent and get evicted and some are straight up "urban camping". I worked with someone YEARS ago who's gf came from a family who owned a company with 8 figure yearly revenue. Had a trust fund worth millions, knew she had a safety net and decided to van camp on alki beach and just bum around all day.
Back up. Trust fund babies? There are rich kids sleeping in those tents?
Yup. Some are cut-off because drugs took over, some are so fiscally illiterate they just...don't pay rent and get evicted and some are straight up "urban camping". I worked with someone YEARS ago who's gf came from a family who owned a company with 8 figure yearly revenue. Had a trust fund worth millions, knew she had a safety net and decided to van camp on alki beach and just bum around all day.