Please stop and think:
Did op spend possibly 50x longer thinking of and creating this post im about to comment on? Am I trying to shut down an entire post crafted by an ally who spent possibly hours, with 0 links or proof? Doing it in seconds, and I cant bother to even offer any evidence?
90 percent of interaction with users on this site when I post(as in within the first 5 min of a post)... is retards trying to debunk... I really hope this site is just getting an influx in new users, and I can tell since AZ audits, a lot of flakes returned, who left months ago... Back for hype and UPDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTS! AND TO DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!
Just stop. If you aren't actually heavily informed in a topic...or cant offer a fucking link of SOME TYPE. you are NOT FACT CHECKING OR VERIFYING OR PREVENTING SLIDES... You are just spewing waste everywhere.
If someone is a blue anon, they would do what you do actually.. produce little and consume and criticize often...
lmfao only trolls misquote