Please stop and think:
Did op spend possibly 50x longer thinking of and creating this post im about to comment on? Am I trying to shut down an entire post crafted by an ally who spent possibly hours, with 0 links or proof? Doing it in seconds, and I cant bother to even offer any evidence?
90 percent of interaction with users on this site when I post(as in within the first 5 min of a post)... is retards trying to debunk... I really hope this site is just getting an influx in new users, and I can tell since AZ audits, a lot of flakes returned, who left months ago... Back for hype and UPDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTS! AND TO DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!
Just stop. If you aren't actually heavily informed in a topic...or cant offer a fucking link of SOME TYPE. you are NOT FACT CHECKING OR VERIFYING OR PREVENTING SLIDES... You are just spewing waste everywhere.
If someone is a blue anon, they would do what you do actually.. produce little and consume and criticize often...
i4Ni is the former ThinkMultipleRoles, right? The one who flounced?
so you come out with your big detective moves, and I just completely defuse it, and you just downvote me? AHAHAHA dude if you use the downvote function you are literally a tranny... No edgy internet detactive lines left before I block you?