A Black Lesbian Hitler? Married to a White woman who only wants to answer questions from minorities in the media. What more could a man ask from a great show? "The only difference between reality and fiction is that fiction needs to be credible." Indeed Mr. Twain. I believe you were on to something sir.
What a damn great movie.
I'm getting fat eating so much popcorn.
A Black Lesbian Hitler? Married to a White woman who only wants to answer questions from minorities in the media. What more could a man ask from a great show? "The only difference between reality and fiction is that fiction needs to be credible." Indeed Mr. Twain. I believe you were on to something sir. What a damn great movie. I'm getting fat eating so much popcorn.
On news this AM reporter said "I wonder if her white wife can ask her questions".
What do you think a black reporter will ask her?
General Ackbar hates white people, except his white wife. ASSHOLE!!!