There is ONE reason only why weed is not legal everywhere yet. $$$.
There is not a single politician in the country that would stand on a 'Moral' principle to keep weed outlawed. the numbers are simply too overwhelming. 75% of voters could not care less, and the tax revenue is impossible to ignore. The ones that want it illegal haven't made "deals" yet with the cannabis industry. Politicians where it IS legal have made deals.(Either personally, or for the benefit of the state). Ohio actually rejected legal weed not on moral or ethical principals, it rejected legalizing because it would have created a monopoly for a very few already rich people. And left no room at all for small business to compete. Yes, stupid people smoke weed. Also a lot of very intelligent people smoke weed.
And absolutely no one should be put in jail for it.
There is ONE reason only why weed is not legal everywhere yet. $$$. There is not a single politician in the country that would stand on a 'Moral' principle to keep weed outlawed. the numbers are simply too overwhelming. 75% of voters could not care less, and the tax revenue is impossible to ignore. The ones that want it illegal haven't made "deals" yet with the cannabis industry. Politicians where it IS legal have made deals.(Either personally, or for the benefit of the state). Ohio actually rejected legal weed not on moral or ethical principals, it rejected legalizing because it would have created a monopoly for a very few already rich people. And left no room at all for small business to compete. Yes, stupid people smoke weed. Also a lot of very intelligent people smoke weed. And absolutely no one should be put in jail for it.