posted ago by Gooters ago by Gooters +45 / -0

Look, if many many many sued under small claims, that would require either a

  1. Request for consolidation, which is expensive or
  2. A response to each law suit.. Make the fuckers respond, cost them money, or let them ignore you and get a default judgment. Small claims is the most underutilized venue around, everyone sue for the max in your state, you need no attorney, sue against the government orbpolitician, bury the shit bags in paper. Do it in mass. REALISTICALLY, 10,000 individual suits works better than one class action suit representing 10,000 plaintiffs. DO it, SUE INDIVIDUALLY IN SMALL CLAIMS AND Do it IT OFTEN ... your fee to sue is a lot better spent than to donate to a politician to fight this, your suit fee = them having to hire a lawyer to respond.,. You may represent you and the defendant may represent himself, but he wont, he will pay someone to do it for him. Sue individually, , drain the bastards of funds!