Is it a LARP?
Is it a continuance of Q?
Is it a 2nd military op where Q was the first?
I thought there were "no outside comms"?
Anyone have any information on Majestic12?
Is it a LARP?
Is it a continuance of Q?
Is it a 2nd military op where Q was the first?
I thought there were "no outside comms"?
Anyone have any information on Majestic12?
There was a Twitter account which has been banned for a while now. There’s a PDF floating around of all their drops. I’ll just copy paste verbatim some of the parts from the PDF where they mention their relationship to Q. They did many Q&As over the lifetime of the account.
There is nothing more Majestic than the Great Awakening. Re-read past drops. Here's the 40,000ft view:
So the military/intel agencies are spreading info to the public and killing the deep state via 1000 cuts via multi sources (social media, msm, etc). All this to awaken the people as the world turns.
We call it the Great Awakening.
There is nothing more Majestic than the Great Awakening.
Q is mainstream and public unacknowledged by Mockingbird Clowns. Everybody knows. We can detect through our technology that over 200M people domestically inside the United States are actively aware of Q Anon (less than 50% read daily and less than that believe anything will happen).
Q is an entirely separate operation as we have repeated dozens or so times. MJ12 operates above the Federal Government's bureaucracy because of the severity of the classification pertaining to ongoing ET related operations. Q is Earth based only. MJ12 is not. Q !(not) = MJ12 MJ12 !(not) = Q
Therefore, since MJ12 is not only based with operations on Earth, but also other planets in the solar system (and "moons"), we therefore have a wide range of tools accessible only to us to use, and whether people can comprehend it or not, we chose Twitter to communicate over 8ch.
MJ12 have never asked you to not read Q posts, follow advice that Q has given you, or tried to misrepresent information Q has posted, nor will we ever on this account.
We are here to guide humanity through the Disclosure process. Not to Disclose the process itself, thats Qs role.
Mutually exclusive operations. One coming directly from the Federal Government, another originating from off planet. Same GOAL! The ET race that invaded Earth that has been feeding on your children must be stop. Great Awakening!
Here’s the link to the PDF
A lot of content to get through, open mind required.
It basically confirms that this whole operation is about the human race going through a spiritual awakening. Remember, it is going to be biblical!
Thank you very much! Still sounds LARPy, but I'll give it a look.
618 pages!!!! Holy fuck! It IS another Q!
Sounds LARPy.
But then 2020 happened, so I guess anything is possible.
Could be. If I’m completely honest that PDF was my gateway to spirituality so LARP or not it awakened me to the real possibility that our current incarnation on earth is not our first and won’t be our last.
I was not raised religious, I used to think when you died everything just stopped. In the last year or so that has completely changed and I’m certain we’re all just here on earth experiencing this 3rd density life for shits and giggles. When we die on earth our conscience will live on, taking a much deserved rest from the experience it just had and preparing itself for the next.
Nah, dude. The answer is 42.