Drain the Swamp, real meaning? What happens when you drain (slowly) anything? Are you removing anything besides water (concealment)? You are exposing, in the this case, everything... everything. Crimes (past, present and future). As the Swamp slowly drains, we slowly start to see these crimes, the players (bad) who may be small at first begin to become larger as the swamp drains. The deeper it drains the greater the dangers and threats become.
The draining of the swamp and what will be exposed is already known by the white hats, it must be drained so the masses see the true depths of the corruption and the evil within. As it drains, rats become exposed and move or cut deals, exposing more crimes and even committing additional crimes (past proves future... past crimes reveal present crimes which create future crimes).
The end game? Get everyone, EVERYONE. This process starts with the small players (so as not immediately alarm the larger players). It's massive, the scale is something we cannot fully comprehend. Think poking a hornets nest the size of the moon (controlled). Small players leads to larger players (bad), larger players lead to the full interworking of the Cabal. Once the Swamp (known battleground) is fully drained, all Lies will have been revealed. Dark to Light. What do you do with a drained swamp? Leave the bodies (evil) and fill it with cement.
Patience, Trust in God, and Trust in our Military is paramount. Military is the only way. Pray. These people are sick. God wins, Patriots Win.
Massive seems like a weak word if you have looked into any single piece. Still processing some cognitive dissonance in wrapping my mind around being lied to and manipulated my entire life 50+ yrs and it didn’t start then . . .Game Over.
I always knew the history that was presented was off, so much didn't make sense until I found out about freemasons, the Roths, cabal etc. Now I am wondering what beliefs will be shattered concerning our faith. With the Vatican exposed Catholicism will surely crumble, but what about the rest? Given that everything we know is unreliable, there may be some shocking truths we will have to face concerning the Bible. I've often felt that some passages are incomplete and wondered how accurate the translations are. That is hidden in the Vatican vaults?
I found Native teaching served me very well. First I found the Animal Medicine by Jamie Sams Then Sacred Path also by here. True Blue Understanding how our brains work Meditation All brought me back to God in the Orthodox Church
Very exciting to know all those books in the Vatican will soon be shared with the world . . .