Nows not the time to try to be funny.... Actually thats not true. By all means be funny, Just don't discredit the movement in the process. If you think it's funny to post an image that can(WILL) be used to discredit the movment... Just hold on trying to be funny until this gets resolved.
This graphic leaves a lot to be desired.
yup. 9 points of forgery, none shown in this image. fuck you liberaltearfriend, You're a retarded piece of shit. Eat a Gun.
I am sorry I thought it was funny so I just grabbed an image off of Google images I did not look at it first.
Nows not the time to try to be funny.... Actually thats not true. By all means be funny, Just don't discredit the movement in the process. If you think it's funny to post an image that can(WILL) be used to discredit the movment... Just hold on trying to be funny until this gets resolved.
Don't eat a gun, but don't be dumb.