atpoker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey Eddie. (cuz obviously you on here) You da man. But fuck this flat earth shit. Or go Prove it. Joe would even fund it. Shine a laser off the coast of one of the islands in Hawaii, To a mirror on the coast of California.

Get some nerd to figure out where exactly it would need to be pointed to hit the mirror, and boom. You proved the earth is flat.

Otherwise just keep that shit to yourself, gosh damn. It only discredits all the true shit you talk about, even if the world is flat. (Its not)

That being said, I get the whole, "If you say crazy shit along with true shit, they probably won't come kill you" thing.

And I ask any flat earthers, Why wouldn't this experiment easily prove your theory?

And listen, I get it... A spinning rock flying through space is just as crazy as the earth being flat if you think about it.

atpoker 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn’t even realize there was a trump White House archive on YouTube…. Thanks for that!

atpoker 2 points ago +2 / -0

You’re right. Sorry Billieebeanies, had to take away my upvote and give it to solarsavior . Details matter.

atpoker 4 points ago +4 / -0

It seems like the only reason he would call 911 let alone on an open line, was so that there would be a recording. And he specifically asked for ambulance even though he wasn’t injured. So seems like he wanted a public record, and record from the emts that arrive, not just police.

wild stuff.

atpoker 4 points ago +4 / -0

That’s what I assumed. Thank you

atpoker 9 points ago +9 / -0

I’m retarded. What’s the context/joke?

atpoker 1 point ago +1 / -0

You’re welcome.. it’s an extremely complicated process. Since op didn’t feel it necessary to provide a link in his actual post …. I had to scroll all the way down , and take the link that Op provided in a comment at the bottom of this thread that the majority of people won’t see. And then copy and paste it to the top comment, ensuring everyone will see . Some call me a genius , and I don’t disagree with them. 😉👉

atpoker 2 points ago +4 / -2

Well you obviously know Trumps first day in office He was 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days old...

And Obama's last day he was 666 months old. (665 months and 17 days...So closer to 666 than 665

atpoker 1 point ago +1 / -0

No retard, I was talking about your Relationship problems.... Its easier to Blame your relationship problems on being a drunk.

God damn, Maybe that's your problem.... Not being able to accuartely interpret text from a random person on the internet.


atpoker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Listen- all i know is that 10 years ago if you had a couple hundred drones for a superbowl half time show making out images and shit... That would be a UFO to any person anywhere...

Then you throw in the fucking alleged space x Bullshit that looks like a whale when it the boosters detach from the rocket or whatever they claimed....

It's like, now if UFOS are actually extraterrestrial or from other dimensions, No one would believe it. It's like a Triple reversal blue beam.

EDIT: Space x whale shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2QrrdwBGEs&ab_channel=GuardianNews

EDIT: Super bowl drone shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1j1sRZbgzQ&ab_channel=MattSlawson

atpoker 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's all a double edged sword...But no, I can confidently say there will be no images projected on the smoke clouds.

That being said, my confidence is based on a 5% system. I'm 5% confident there will be no smoke images... Whatever the fuck that means.

atpoker 1 point ago +1 / -0

I Didn't say he wasn't. I was referring to how this would be interpreted by people who don't realize all that he has done. Trust me, I don't believe there's anyone else that can do what trump has done and could do....

atpoker 5 points ago +9 / -4

Hmmm.... I dunno. Narration is cheesy, and the "One man" theme (Yes I know the movement is mentioned as well.) wont sit well with a lot of people that will still be voting for him.

Mostly the narration though. I'm surprised that was approved.

I don't know... Could have been better.

atpoker 6 points ago +6 / -0

For sure.... That being said, him not being white plays into it. Yes we need more people standing up, But damn.... It's a lot better when it's not a white person doing shit like this.

I Wonder if security would have thrown him out quicker if he was a white dude. We'll never know, but My guess would be that he would have gotten thrown out quicker.

So yes, Everyone has to stand up like this... But Non white Indvidual's have more power than us when it comes to this sort of thing. Which shouldn't be the case... but it is. And Ironically, It's only like that because of the bad guys he's speaking up against.

So hopefully more use their said power.

NINJA EDIT: To clarify, for any retards, I'm saying It shouldn't matter whether white black brown, etc... But it does at this moment.

atpoker 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's all you, homie. I would myself, but you're probably better at it :)

atpoker 2 points ago +2 / -0

When the Q pops up in his Recent ad https://youtu.be/_-t-cjmOcN0?t=86 It's right above + on his Shirt. Q+

Edit: here's the still shot https://ibb.co/7ypTXKF

atpoker 11 points ago +11 / -0

Not only that.. Look at the Plus on the black gentleman's shirt. When the Q pops up at https://youtu.be/_-t-cjmOcN0?t=86 It's right above + on his Shirt. Q+ With trump Next to it. Don't think I saw that Plus part pointed out before, so forgive me if it has.

You have to pause it At 1:25 and then go frame by frame, (By pressing the "." on your keyboard.) to catch it. It's actually clearest right at 1:26

Edit: here's the still shot. https://ibb.co/7ypTXKF

atpoker 3 points ago +3 / -0

A President Precedent.

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