Well it's really simple actually. Your mother won't shut up about it. She's pretty concerned about you, pal. I wish you well and if you need someone to talk to I'm here.
You go away pussy. I shop all the time without wearing a mask. If you can actually read, it's about there being no stores that don't require masks and the dumbass argument that you should shop at a store that doesn't require masks. Keep crying about your dead friend, pal. If he was dumb enough to take the vaccine, that's his fault. Typical projection as usual with you fucking morons.
Well it's really simple actually. Your mother won't shut up about it. She's pretty concerned about you, pal. I wish you well and if you need someone to talk to I'm here.
PS: stop sucking dick, faggot
Yeah and you're a fucking shill. Nice one month old account, dipshit
You go away pussy. I shop all the time without wearing a mask. If you can actually read, it's about there being no stores that don't require masks and the dumbass argument that you should shop at a store that doesn't require masks. Keep crying about your dead friend, pal. If he was dumb enough to take the vaccine, that's his fault. Typical projection as usual with you fucking morons.