posted ago by Jesus_Is_My_King ago by Jesus_Is_My_King +163 / -0

Is your family prepared for a lengthy period of martial law or civil war without power or water?

During such times, the difference between a helpless family and one that thrives can be a matter of $100 worth of supplies, a bit more if you don't already own a gun.

These are just some of the bare basics that will dramatically increase your family's ability to survive.

Top 5 reasons you should get a rocket stove now (ecozoom versa review)

100 Days Worth of Food for $100: LASTS 25 YEARS!

Here's a fantastic bush-craft video on how to start a fire using a ferrocerium rod.

Here's a fantastic bush-craft video on how to cook a simple stew.

How to make hardtack - the bread that lasts forever.