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I'm so sick of these people..Seriously, what the fucking hell? And know they will force the poison on children? I will never forgive these fucking idiots, i loath them more then anything. If the majority of liberals die its a win in my book, useful worthless idiots who has committed their life to destroy the west. Fuck them, fuck these atheist to hell and let them burn forever. I have a bad taste in my mouth just when hearing these snarky idiots speak.
The only forgiveness they should ask is from god, they are my enemy. I don't give a flying fuck about people who says we should be "tolerant" and "understanding" to these maniacs. Fucking pedophile enablers and filth.
Sorry, had to get that one of my chest even if it is not the prudent thing to say or think but ffs. Carry on now.
My mom gets second shot tomorrow I have known she would be getting the stab since she told me she was a vote blue no matter who(told her that was the most neglectful and dangerous thing I've ever heard). So I've been preparing myself to accept that she may pass away from this and leave her 3 children and 9 Grandchildren behind all over a Demoncrat HOAX. I just wish she still believed in God.
Pray for her. GOD can still open her eyes.
This is the hardest part of the whole thing. I've had to sit and watch my mom, dad, brother and 3 grandparents get it. One grandparent passed away. She was almost 94 though.